The Unimore Sport Excellence project, signed by CONI and Unimore in June 2017, is addressed to support the learning and university training activities of student-athletes who regularly play competitive sports of national and international relevance.

Enrolment in the project creates the conditions for talented young athletes to best combine competitive sport and university commitment, and provides the following:
1. Subject to availability, free accommodation places;
2. Services provided by the Benefits Office and dedicated mentoring;
3. The recognition, up to a maximum of 3 CFUs per year, of competitive activity carried out within the framework of the free credits available;
4. The recognition of curricular training on preparation activities and technical updating, carried out at sports clubs and federations;
5. Recognition of credits relating to the final examination for dissertations on sporting topics;
6. Making up for any exams not taken due to the coincidence of national and international sporting events included in the activity plan submitted at the time of enrolment;
7. At the end of the study programme, issue of the Diploma Supplement certifying the specific nature of the student-athlete’s dual career

The complete Call for Applications and the application form for the Unimore Sport Excellence project are published annually.

Unimore Sport Excellence Call (edition a.y. 2023-2024).

Fill in the new Unimore Sport Excellence form